Notice to Guardians of Members:
Our Club is taking part in an annual Survey that will be used to track the wellbeing of members in Boys & Girls Clubs nationally. Our Club is one of a group of Clubs across the country participating in this survey that asks how members feel about the activities and time they spend at the Club, education plans, and involvement in community service and work. Additionally, the survey asks about the attitudes and health behaviors of Club members, including questions about nutrition and physical activity. Teen members ages 13 and older may be asked additional questions around risk behaviors. Members can always skip questions that they do not want to answer. Members will be asked to fill out one survey between February 22 – March 8 during regular Club hours. The survey takes between 20 and 40 minutes to complete. Members will not put their names on the survey. No Club member will ever be mentioned by name in a report of the results. We would like all members at our Club to take part in the survey, but the survey is voluntary. Survey participants can skip any questions they do not wish to answer. If you would like to see the survey, a copies are available at the Sweet Home and Lebanon Clubhouses . You may review the survey at the Club during regular Club hours between 8:30 am - 6:00 pm. Guardian permission forms are available at the Sweet Home and Lebanon Clubhouses, on this webpage, or email Shayla at Shayla@bgcgreatersantiam.org. Opt-out forms must be returned by February 21, 2023. If you have any questions about the survey, please talk to Shayla. For questions or concerns about your child’s rights as a research participant contact 3C Institute’s Institutional Review Board at IRB_Chair@3cisd.com.
**If completing the opt-out forms at home, please:
- Email a copy to Shayla at Shayla@bgcgreatersantiam.org indicating which program your youth attends and what your relation is to the member; OR
- Print a copy and bring it to your community Clubhouse.